Best Dressed: Lucinda Loya
Lucinda Loya was recognized as Best Dressed by the Houston Chronicle. Read the interview in its entirety below. Read more: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/life/gloss/article/best-dressed-lucinda-loya-3435669.php
A high society Texans tailgate with white velvet ropes brings star power to theLoyas’ swank home
here was no getting past the white velvet ropes and “security” guards at Lucinda and Javier Loya’s Texans White Out tailgate party unless you were dressed in white. After all, the invitation called for white attire only. Just ask the hapless couple...
Javier Loya Wife: Meet Lucinda Vincent-Loya
Lucinda Vincent-Loya is the wife of Javier Loya, a Mexican-American business entrepreneur, and former college football player. The couple has two children together. It is unknown when the couple got married. However, according to reports, they have been together for a...